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Re Discover The Bible - Chapter 1.00

Whether you've read the Bible or not, most people have an opinion about it; boring, confusing, inapplicable, hard to understand, irrelevant, etc. etc. The list goes on.

Truthfully, these opinions aren't exactly wrong. The Bible isn't a normal book.

The average person could never pick up a Bible and read it like a normal book.

Until now.

My new YouTube series is a way for ANYONE to experience the Bible like a normal book. Start to finish--ONE. PASSIONATE. STORY.

For anyone who's tried to read the Bible, is curious, wishes they understood it, or simple wants to be entertained, you'll love this brand new way to REDISCOVER THE BIBLE.

I'll be releasing the story in Chapters, with new videos featured weekly on YouTube, social media, and right here, at

If you love entertaining stories, be sure to connect with me on Social Media and subscribe to my YouTube channel, so you never miss an episode!


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